您還可以透過「嵯峨野 TOROKO列車」或者是「保津川下り」(順流遊船)來享受到四季不同的景色。「嵯峨野TOROKO列車」是從嵯峨野到丹波路龜岡段的鐵道,沿途可見保津川溪谷的景色。「保津川下り」也是從上游的龜岡市出發,一路順流而下到渡月橋附近。
另外,嵯峨嵐山還有「嵐山monkey park」(猴子園)或者「百人一首殿堂 時雨殿」,以收集日本名歌手-美空雲雀的資料館等等。來到京都值得一訪的景點多數集於嵯峨嵐山,一天之內很難能夠走完,當然建議來訪的客人不彷住上一晚,同時也是值得您再三探訪的名勝地區。
Keifuku(1)Insert 220 yen into the automatic ticket vending machine. JR(1)Insert the fare into the automatic ticket vending machine for your destination. Hankyu(1)Insert the fare into the automatic ticket vending machine for your destination. The Sagano Torokko Ressha (Sagano Sightseeing Train)It is a sightseeing train, whose nostalgic design tempts a dream and romance to the visiting people. The train covers the total length of 7.3 km. in approximately 25 minutes from Sagano (a town marked with the eternal flow of time) as the starting point leading to Tanbaji Kameoka as the ending point, running along the ravine of the Hozugawa River. Please enjoy your tour blending together with the nature of each of the four seasons by the Romantic Train "Sagano Torokko Ressha." |